( Guru memberi penguatan terhadap jawaban siswa yg benar ) Siswa menirukan ucapan guru, sebagai latihan pelafalan kata2 atau kalimat 2 pd latihan tas I.

Masing2 klpk menyampaikan jawaban dipandu oleh guru. Masing-masing kelompok mengerjakan latihan penggunaan kosa kata sesuai kalimat, terkait tema yg diberikan oleh guru, dan guru memonitor kegiatan siswa. Memberi salam Mengabsen siswa Mengecek kesiapan siswa Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran Tanya jawab terkait dengan topik cerita Siswa duduk dalam klpk ( masing2 klpk 4 siswa ) Langkah-langkah kegiatan : Langkahlangkah Grammar ( Structure ) : Simple past tense : My sister sang anytime and anywhere S + VerbII+ adverb/ complement The beggar was hungry S +tobe(past) + Adjective Metode Pembelajaran/teknik : C T L ( dengan 3 langkah pembelajaran).Ģ. ( Adjectives ) Quiet Tenang Angry Marah Hungry Lapar Long Lama Beautiful Cantik, indahĬ. ( Nouns ) Putri raja Pengemis Penyihir Peri Suara Kosa kata/frase terkait teks : Misalnya : Without thinking of herself, Isabel gave her only sandwich. One day, when she took a rest in a forest after her long journey, she saw a thin little boy. So she traveled from one city to another to do good things. She said, “ You can sing again after you do a good thing to someone else.” From then on, Isabel was always good to everybody. She cursed Isabel, “ From now on, you cannot sing !“ Fortunately, there was a fairy. Princess Isabel was very angry, but the beggar was angry too. One day an old beggar asked her some money while she was singing. When she was singing, everyone must be quiet. Materi pembelajaran : Listening Script : The Princess Who Loved to Sing Princess Isabel loved to sing very much. Sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam k onteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative dan reportġ.Tujuan Pembelajaran : Setelah selesai proses pembelajaran, siswa dapat menemukan berbagai informasi dalam teks berbentuk NaratifĢ. :BAHASA INGGRIS : SMP : IX Genap : 1 X ( 2 jam pel ) Mendengarkan Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.Ĩ.2Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek 2 ) MATA PELAJARAN SMP/MTs KELAS/SEMESTER Jmlh pertemuan It was also found that the students were enthusiastic along the teaching and learning processes by implementing inductive approach.(RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP.

It can be interpreted that there is a significant difference between the students’ achievement in grammar before the treatment and after the treatment by using inductive approach and applying the activities that integrates grammar into four language skills. From the results of the T-test, it can be seen that the T value is 5,193, with the significance value 0,001. The data were collected by means of T-Test. In totally 14 meetings, the teacher applied inductive approach in presenting the materials and gave all exercises integratedly to four language skills (speaking, writing, reading and listening). the writer also presented the grammar integrated with four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), where the writer paid more attention to enabling students to work with the target language during the lesson and communicate in it by the end of it. In inductive approach, the learners study examples and from these examples derives an understanding of the rule. For these reasons the writer tried to implement inductive approach in Bahasa Inggris class, where all the students are from Non English Department. Recently, with the introduction of Communicative Language Teaching, teaching grammar is emphasized on experiential learning and communicative goals.

AbstractTeaching grammar has been regarded as prominence in teaching a language where there are some different views of how to teach it.